Our Quality Policy

In this Quality Policy statement, we will explain why It is the objective of Century Fire & Security Limited to provide our customers with product and service levels commensurate with their expectations for outsourced payroll services. In order to achieve this, the company has developed a Quality System based on the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015, SP203, SSIAB and utilising the eight principles of management.

Customer Focus:

By effective communication and review of service levels by monitoring internal performance based on customer and interested party feedback or complaints.


Providing the necessary authority level, expertise, training and competency to ensure that process owner are able to manage the customer or interested party requirements, staff expectations and the business needs.

Involvement of People:

The quality ethos is communicated, understood and implemented throughout the company by staff communication and development in meeting requirements and continual improvement for all levels of the company.

Quality Policy & Process Approach:

To ensure that the company provides and maintains safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, and to provide such information, training and supervision, as they need for this purpose.

System Approach to Management:

The planning, review and improvement of resources, staff, infrastructure and product to ensure that customer expectations can be achieved.

Continual Improvement:

By the measurement and monitoring of processes and products to facilitate the implementation of corrective, preventative and improvements framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives.

Risk based approach to making:

The suitability and effectiveness of products, services, policies, objectives and approach to service levels using the necessary review tools including audit, competency decision making: review, skills analysis, risk assessment, legal, statutory and other requirements in decision making.

Mutually beneficial relationships:

Building the necessary working relationships with suppliers, customers and beneficial other interested parties to achieve the required customer service level.

The management and staff are committed to the pursuit of total customer satisfaction through the clear understanding of customer expectations and requirements. The Company Quality Standards reflect and conform to the goal of ensuring defect-free work and products on time every time.

The Managing Director has the responsibility for coordinating the company Quality Management System, by the implementation of specific checks and audit routines as necessary, to provide feedback information and will instigate preventative and corrective action as required.

Additional Information

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